If we imagine a vertical axis, Trieste is a connecting element between Europe and Africa by exploiting the Adriatic Sea and, more generally, the Mediterranean .

On a second horizontal axis we can, instead, retrieve the historical memory of the city of Trieste when it served as a link for Italy with the Balkans , but still today, wanting to think in global terms, we can imagine a sort of connection between Europe and the East , between Western Europe and Eastern Europe , between Western Europe and the Balkans.

The position of Trieste is increasingly strategic from a geographical point of view, but the role that the city must cover is no longer purely national, but is
mainly European with a global vocation. If we take the picture of Trieste as a fulcrum, meeting point and crossroads within the Italian space, we can clearly see its center of gravity within the context of the European Union which attributes to it the value of a bridge city with the whole world.

Transport & Port

Trieste itself is connected with the rest of the world. From the terrestrial point of view there is a very dense network, also supported by the European Union, made up of roads and railways that connects Trieste with the Balkans, with Central and Eastern Europe . It can therefore be defined as a city also connected with Turkey and, in a broad sense, with the whole world. And, this, even more so if we take into consideration the commercial centrality of Trieste, also by virtue of the strategic role that the Port of Trieste has assumed in recent years. In particular, we know that there are numerous connections with the ports of the Mediterranean, but, further strengthening the global vocation, it is a resource for the new geopolitical chessboard.

Culture & Society

Trieste is also a city characterized by the ethnic and cultural vocation that it historically enjoys, being a meeting point between different religious confessions and, therefore, a meeting point for ideas . Trieste is a channel of exchange not only of goods and services, but also of ideas for people who, thanks to the sea, in a place of inter-religious and inter-community dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area, share a destiny, a common path for the future also because we are living in a globalized world where everything matters when it comes to diplomacy . The European Union itself, as a stabilizing element, considers the structural, all-encompassing or holistic approach, a fundamental pawn for its international role. Therefore, when it comes to development, it is necessary to take into account what may be the different conflicts between cultures and societies. Trieste is the place where these diversities can be brought together to create a dialogue that can be not only inspirational, but a cornerstone for the international community.

Sea & Science

Trieste is a city of the sea, a gateway to the world where the environmental , economic and scientific elements are declined with Blue Economy , a fundamental part of the research of OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics) which develops its work in Trieste. of international scientific cooperation , in particular in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

The Blue Economy aims to create a sustainable management model of the sea, a management that is correct for the seabed, fauna, flora and water, and that can be at the economic service of the various actors with whom we are confronted, in this case those of the Mediterranean area.

A model that also through GeoAdriatico can involve not only research bodies, public and private, but also economic and financial players. Because the idea is to create a model of economic and social growth that is sustainable and that can be adopted both by the advanced countries of the European Union and Europe, but also by the countries of Africa and the Middle East , and, this, because we are facing the great challenge of climate change that requires an evolution that is accessible and sustainable.

Geography & Diplomacy

Among the priorities of GeoAdriatico there are the new dynamics referring to the energy and resources of the subsoil , since they are fundamental for the very existence of the European countries which, inevitably, are linked in this respect with the MENA states (Middle East and North Africa).

While it is true that it is precisely in the sea that we can encounter legal conflicts, we know that the conflict is also diplomatic as regards the definition of maritime areas . Contrasts not far from the beating heart of GeoAdriatico if we think of the differences that exist, for example, between Slovenia and Croatia , but also in the eastern Mediterranean in the light of the disputes between Greece and Turkey , so as not to involve Egypt as well .

These are issues strictly linked to diplomacy , delicate situations at a time when Turkey and Egypt are changing their role in the new geopolitical context, becoming countries with which one cannot but dialogue, both from a national point of view, therefore Italian, and from the European one.

In Eurasia the processes of change are already underway, and both Italy and the European Union have been interested in this area for years. For GeoAdriatico it is now more than ever necessary to reinvigorate Italian and European politics in order to achieve an effective stabilization of relations and contexts close to us in order to reach the definition of correct global development.